Many Queensland properties and buildings built before the 90’s may contain asbestos. Because of this, in the the event of a disaster may cause serious asbestos contamination. Asbestos containing materials was used to construct walls, ceilings and roofing. Generally harmless, but once damaged asbestos fibres will disperse out into the air and if inhaled cause respiratory disease.

Damage and destruction of asbestos containing materials such as storm or fire damage, will increase its friability. Asbestos fibres become hazardous and risky for health when it releases particles into the air with ease. Undamaged asbestos materials do not release fibres into the air and aren’t dangerous when intact.
Asbestos Contamination and Water Damage
After storm or water damage, the two main concerns are extraction of water and the prevention of mould growth. However, because many houses in Queensland contain asbestos, It is easy to forget or be unaware of its presence. Therefore, it is important to inspect the property for asbestos, if the home was built before the year 2000.
If older houses experience storm damage and structural damage has occurred, the chances of asbestos contamination are very high. We recommend you consult an Asbestos Removal Company such as Juvenaire. We can test materials and safely remove it if necessary.
Asbestos Contamination and Fire Damage
Building materials containing asbestos are more likely to be damaged in the event of a fire. Asbestos particles are disturbed and become aribourne, dispersing out into the environment. Asbestos fibres and dust that remains after a fire on a property is a health risk. The danger occurs when dust and debris is disturbed and inhaled. If asbestos containing materials have been damaged during a fire or if you aren’t sure, it is crucial that a licensed asbestos removal company carry out the clean-up work.
Not only is Juvenaire a licensed asbestos removal company, we also specialise in water and fire restoration projects.
For more info about Asbestos restoration click here
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