Juvenaire's commitment to providing its technicians and staff with industry standard restoration training and certifications is paramount. We strive to keep staff informed with the best practises...

Juvenaire Blog Posts
Odour Decontamination Of An Odour Affected Vehicle
Odour decontamination in vehicles can be quite challenging as the source of the odour may be difficult to determine. Juvenaire’s technicians specialise in...
Risk of Mould During Pandemic Business Closures
The world has changed around us because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The way we do business has changed too, bringing with it a whole host of new problems. Abandoned office buildings due to the...
Juvenaire Now Offers Secure Contents Storage
A growing demand for the need of contents restoration and storage has led to the expansion of Juvenaire's contents services. Late 2019, a new storage facility was acquired by Juvenaire to organise...
Juvenaire’s Hoarder Clean-Up Service
As a part of Juvenaire’s services, we also offer hoarder clean-ups. Hoarders are people who collect everything they use or own for years on end. This leads to ever-growing collection of things -...
Townsville Flood Disaster & Juvenaire Recovery Response
The Townsville flood of 2019 caused mass displacement of people from their homes. The rains came as a blessing after a prolonged drought in the region however, the elation was short-lived. Rain...
Mould decontamination for a Triple Storey Property
For over 25 years Juvenaire has successfully completed countless mould remediation projects across Queensland. However, new challenges continue to emerge more often than not. This particular project...
When Should You Be Aware of Asbestos Contamination?
Many Queensland properties and buildings built before the 90’s may contain asbestos. Because of this, in the the event of a disaster may cause serious asbestos contamination. Asbestos containing...
Contents Restoration using the Latest Technology
Have you recently experienced water or fire damage at your property? Have your contents been affected? Juvenaire contents restoration service is for you. Replacing valuable contents in your...